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Dear Reader,

I've been feeling quiet.

still am.

There's a gap I am looking to bridge with the new offered weaving below. A woven bridge between the startled, fearful post-Covid reaction to interpersonal communication through averted eyes, and presenting just ourselves. A bridge back to when greetings were, maybe not instinctual, but habitual.

When I see or am about to pass someone on the sidewalk, after my initial notice I look down then return my attention and meet their eyes then I greet them.

It's an area I've put a pin in as something that requires attention within myself.

How to quiet the chatter.

How to lead with calmed agency.

How to remove my need to avert my eyes from those around me.

How to not stifle my gaze but use the tools I already have to create a stronger, more direct line of sight.

Do you remember handshakes in greeting?

Gentle touches on your arm in departure?

Contact to connection.

How do we free, floating back to the surface, the parts of ourselves that have sunk?

Sunk slowly over time,

or quick like a slashing blow.

Maybe all we gotta do is...

Vintage quilting hoop, donated/recycled fabrics, synthetic and wool yarns, donated/used up climbing rope

24" in diameter


The small, volunteer run craft resale store, Craft Bits and Pieces in Fairport, NY, is where I get 90% of the recycled materials used within ToolBoxEarth. They are a non-profit that ensures access to independent living for elderly in my community and they are a joy to pass my business to. Your support of my artwork allows me to support them, so they can support others too. Round and round we go with the decision to lead with love ever before us.

Watch this space for more information surrounding ToolBoxEarth live streaming on Twitch

who wants to have a weave along?


Later this week ToolBoxEarth will be releasing it's second collection WEAVE BEEN FRAMED!

A five piece collection of woven characters who, in the spirit of Spooky Season, find themselves dropped in a small town, WhoDunIt?

Again, please watch this space.

And your own spaces.

I added four new weavings to the shop last week.

If you missed them, gaze back.

In cooperation,



subscribe for the next chapter of posts,
new work, and free love letters

WELCOME! Glad to have you along. <3

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