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two thrones

dear reader,

from the first poof chair since eugene

where i went

to sleep

distracted by you above me

what if I started seeing the men I love as alternate personalities*?

these fabricated short term enigmas

there goes another one

would they separate from the bodies,

leaving space to be filled

by real people?

goldilocks and her infinite throne room

one for each of you

one for just you

and all I want to do is crack you open for the world to see

from the passenger's seat

What if it isn’t just men-

What if it’s all people?

the need to see them as their own

and not a projection of my belief of what they are

or seem to be

what if i’ve had it all wrong


believing is seeing?

so, uhm, two of these thrones are... let's say just a smidge more regal than the others.

care to comment?

huh. i had never seen them all together before. yeah. those two definitely stand right the fuck out from the rest don't they

what's similar about them?

getting in a pick up truck with a stranger

...and something about texas

with sweet honey to georgia

with sweet remembrance to uvalde

with sweet sense into the hollow domes of america

tighten your body as you exhale

squeeze your throat as you inhale

tighten your body as you exhale

squeeze your throat as you inhale

because we can

with the animal sounds of us,

never getting used to this,

*a kind of voluntary schizophrenia

a shattering of ancient parts


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