dear reader,
if glimmers
are the opposite
what if
the opposite of madness
is wowdness
no matter
how big
the blow
wowdness is the ability
just say
and to be grateful for the experience of that moment
to be able to see
not souly a emotional reaction
but to be able to see
how it fits into the picture
using a wider lense
because it does fit
(from here we get tender. i need to write about it. having lost the room, space, and companion it would have normally gone in, a new one must be made/found. so i need to write tenderly. and i hope it brings you something useful. because if you, then i, so we.)
it doesn't.
yes it does. consider what happens when an image becomes pixelated. it becomes distorted beyond recognition as blotchy color blocks. now zoom out from that pixelated space. an image comes into focus. things blur. shadows form. an image appears as integration
it doesn't fit.
it will.
the other day a large spark and loud screeching explosion of sound
erupted off
popped off
the train track at the Damen stop of the blue line when i was exiting. going down the stairs.
right next to my head
and it didn't feel like a gunshot
it felt like gunpowder to cauterize a bullet hole
but first i had to dig the bullet out
but first we have to find it
(whatever your 'it' is)
but first you have to acknowledge
the entryway
i didn't even flinch
What was that blow earlier-
the kind of quaking distant one?
there's been a release
some kind of
large push of velocity
hard to say from here
but something
has shifted
allowing for a farther
line of sight
hard to say
this push of velocity
is like
a window being opened
to introduce
the wind between the worlds
or a kind of shield
like electricity along
railway steel
restructuring boundaries
hard to say
it's right
that didn't fit before
now does
walking entwined with
the ability
to look around it
to see-
how poetic of a landing
into a
And that smell? What is that smell?
I am drenched in Better Luck Next Time.
if i don't see ya before-
there will be five more weavings hung around
downtown Chicago
New Year's Eve
to welcome
the new year
please celebrate
please plant the seed of 2025
with celebration
and hope
with the smell of another life,
as all 2025 can be,