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light and shadow


Dear Reader,

what a delicate dance between light and shadow


to bring forth into the light

to share

and a selection

from the other side of a menu

what to cherish


and save for just ourselves

that honey within

I'm a mechanically inclined, visual thinker.

The breakdown of input process output is maybe my zenith.

yo. wtf are you talking about?

yaokgood- it's like cooking with a recipe vs. wingin' it. But consider the differences in how those two approaches move through the input process output.

The compiled information within a recipe is the input, following the instructions would be the process, the desired meal (hopefully) as advertised (hopefully) gleefully lands us back in output.

Assessing the available resources and one's own preferences to find an idea for a meal would wing us into input, utilizing a basic understanding of chemistry and flavor profiles to combine ingredients in the most sensical method to achieve the intended meal as our process, and who the fuck knows what as the output.

do you think one way is better than the other?

for maybe the very first time in my whole life, no. everyone's different. everyone does things differently. love is freedom and the ability, and willingness, to allow that for someone. i'm genuinely just happy to be at the party.

i have to feed my fish. anything else?

portland, oregon is a real life Gotham guys.

jeez. it's like every time i turn around you're crying.

ya. you ever just feel so full though?-

so stuff it

anon dear reader.

chompin onna bagel,

dreaming of you,


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