dear reader,
grant serenity
accept things change
courage to change
and wisdom to know the difference.

you are going to become
regardless of
how you get there
consider the current self
the most important
the one to work on
not an idea that doesn’t
and may never
the current self-
the one you
sit down with
stand up with
live with
our man
our president

Well. What if I don’t feel that way. What if the future self as the end goal, is a focal point that can’t be redefined?
then consider it from the point of efficiency. if we know all things relate back to how energy is distributed, then consider where the current and future selves are in relation to you. The future you is far away, and stands as a blurry, abstract pixelation up close. The current you is always a breath away.
if life is the way in which energy is distributed, consider the difference in how much energy it takes to get to each version
think of all that newness just by shortening the commute
without sacrificing the end goal
in the least
Next question/end of dialogue
consider the habituated thought patterns.
consider that learned patterns, are not necessarily the best ones.
consider that we must pave the road before we can drive on it
and it takes time
Imagination is a sneak peek
behind the curtain
of future
with roze’s,
as a step apart again,