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americants part one 02/07/2025


dear reader,

what if

every thought

every feeling

every action

that wasn’t,

got filed under

:in another life:

but you said americants…

yesididbut we’re starting in the abstract macro for this three parter, and will zoom in from there. going from cant to can. find patience within the unknown dear one.

now you’re just obscuring the obscure for fun.

paul auster is a cool writer, like salsa dancing barefoot in the snow. like a bead of sweat rolling down on a knife’s edge.

auster’s novel 4321 redefined the way i see the world around me. it changed the way i exist, and experience existence, as every novel (artwork, really) with ambition should strive to do- to change the way we exist.

auster introduces us to archie ferguson

at the character(s’)’s conception

then the novel cracks

as if dropped from a height

into four different archie fergusons

who the reader then follows

through four different lives

it was someone’s manifestation of

:in another life:

that cracked me

by extension


4321 by paul auster is a demonstration

of how to dance between the timelines

how to roll between Selfs

one of my favorite random occurences in chicago, any city im sure, is when you find yourself walking across the street from someone

with someone, on the same route for an extended time. the intimacy of this at night, especially. the glowing streetlights of ‘whats going to happen’ from across the street. its impossible for you not to be walking together, if only within a slice of recognition. the recognition of ‘just’.

i think the word intimacy has a sexy stigma associated with it.


for something to be intimate, itsgottabe sexy

like how contentment always has a rust next to happy

community is intimacy

maybe intimacy is what community is built on

maybe community is

love is


two individual ones standing alongside each other

instead of the codependent oppressive puddling of


of americants

lets reclaim stolen words

(part two of americants)

so we can improve through patience

so we can demonstrate in our individual ways

so we can build the curriculum for change

reign it in

before it’s lost

(whatever your ‘it’ is)

i need you

we need you

you needs you

lets find love in the oddness

in our oddities

lets put our money where our mouths are

(unless you are one the ‘rats are cute’ people. theres no money there. if yer a rat people- maybe take five on the bench.)

(there are benches in football, right?)

happy stupor bowl 2025

we can

if we want to.

i with you,

you with i,

alongside us

with a nuzzle in tbe crook of your neck,

as a known friend,


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