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Dear Reader,

Greeting you from my kitchen floor- I hope this message is finding you well.

I wanna talk more about this universal narrative the woven artwork within ToolBoxEarth represent.


The mechanics behind our behavior.

These beautiful nervous systems,

like when light makes impact,


The idea that we each hold our own unique representation of a collective narrative.

A new wave of relief and softness has come after listening to John Bucher speak about Joseph Campbell on this episode of Voices of Esalen.

Speaking about how Campbell corrected himself. That instead of 'Follow Your Bliss', Campbell believes he should've said 'Follow Your Blisters'.

Bucher explained in doing so

"You'll find that thing that animates you,

that thing that rises passion inside you,

that thing you cannot turn loose of

because it has a grip on you and your relationship with it seems to transcend this world."

That thing that allows us to connect to other people in hopes of making the world a better place.

While my husband drives I take his hand

through tears I say, that's it.

And this gust of soft snowy wind enveloped me.

May we all find those thinkers that lighten our load.

Offering a springier diving board.

Offering guidance in the snow.

02/12-16/2023 DEVELOPMENTS

LIL SCRAPPY In addition to the coiled wall art introduced last week, here come these coiled scrap side-kick coasters. Many more combinations to come that will be available in the next shop drop.

WOLF MOTHER Over the course of the last five months, this weaving grew. It's not typical for works to be left semi-finished, especially for such a long time. Eternal Mystics- a chair?

A SECOND VEIL Fruition of the second weaving representing one of the seven veils of illusion as illustrated by Tom Robbins within his novel Skinny Legs and All. ToolBoxEarth's third collection will be woven depictions of DREAM, REASON, PASSION, BLISS, COURAGE, COMPASSION, and KNOWLEDGE. MATERIALS: quilting hoops, hemp/bailing twine, fresh green wool, wax cotton fabrics from Africa. More about this weaving within the next couple days.

A NEW PLAN EMERGING Involving a 2015 Ansel Adams calendar and a uniquely innovated warped picture frame. The Polaroid photo was taken by me in Portland, OR in Washington Park.

BUBBIES Slo-mo video of oxygen being released on a sunny day in one of our propagation stations above our kitchen sink. All the videos and photos within ToolBoxEarth are taken with my iPhone 7. Since last summer, I have been experimenting with creating ethereal nature-scapes utilizing the camera's blurriness due to old age. See what I mean?

NO TIME BUT NOW What a story this weaving has. Created after seeing a one week deadline notification for PATH OF TOTALITY, an exhibit at MAIN STREET GALLERY in Clifton Springs, NY celebrating the total solar eclipse occurring in some sates through the US in April 2024... only to not be accepted into the show it was intended for. Inspired by astronomer and artist, Russell Crotty's Coronagraph Series after witnessing the total solar eclipse in August 2017. It's name is PIONEERS and hangs with a 36" diameter. Seems as though it's time for you to meet.

ANOTHER OLD FRIEND When I was a kid, I would weave at my dad's house and paint in the basement at my mom's. The painting stopped when the world stopped. It's been a long time coming- a reunion. It's not finished but felt a pull to share what feels big. Emerging still. A cup of tea, Eternal Mystics?

And that concludes this week's Round Up.

Next shop update: 03/19/2024 to welcome Spring

Follow your blisters

Care for them as portals-

treat them as doorways to fresh green growth.

Spark it up

and share the process.

Fiber art that's there for you.

To reflect against



a portal into our Universal Narrative

a comforting squeeze on your heart's arm

posing as a pattern filled fiber art wall hanging

Always near.

Always here.

Mystic to Mystic,

With tingling fingertips,


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new work, and free love letters

WELCOME! Glad to have you along. <3

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feel free to putz.

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