dear reader,
i've been spending time with
whether it's
an appropriate
for me
spending time with
the moments
has been used
to describe
and who used
to describe
spooning all the why's
it might be
sitting with these moments
on a bench-

{(a man shouting out of a window 'hey lady- quit writing me poetry!'):
eye contact. how it changes the way we communicate. how engrossed we are. how seen and open to being seen. the endorphin hit.
the difference between how we communicate with someone when we sit across from them, creating more opportunities for eye contact, as opposed to next to them which is limited by a simple, yet still demanding, conscious head turn.
if you are struggling to spend time with it, whatever your 'it' is, consider your relation to it.
sit next to it and hold it's hand for a less intense approach.
pull your chair forcefully up to the table you're joining it at and raise your beastly gaze to greet it.}

sitting next to suspicious,
as a pocket of space between our cupped hands,